Does the Area Have What You Want?

Monday Mar 25th, 2019


Imagine going to a restaurant with your family for dinner. You're planning on ordering a nice pasta and salad. Your heart is set on it. But, after you go to the trouble of driving there and getting a table, you discover that pasta is not on the menu. That’s disappointing! Of course, it’s only a meal. You can go somewhere else next time. But, what if the same scenario played out once you had moved into a new neighbourhood? Imagine you were counting on public transit being... [read more]

Getting an Early Start on Selling your Home

Wednesday Apr 24th, 2019


You've probably heard the expression, "The early-bird gets the worm." It refers, of course, to those who get in early and reap the rewards. For example, if you arrive early to a retail store for a big blowout sale, you're likely to get the deals before the inventory runs out. The stragglers who come later miss out. Well, this same wisdom can be applied to selling your home. Starting the process early — even if that means simply doing some initial planning —... [read more]



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